NYC Eats: The Meatball Shop

How do you like your balls?

Chances are, if you tried to order “naked balls” in any other dining establishment, the management would swiftly and (maybe) politely ask you to vacate the premises.  Don’t even try your luck with “the family jewels.”

But at The Meatball Shop, a self-professed “fuss free kinda joint” with locations in Brooklyn and Manhattan, cheeky orders like this are only the beginning of the fun.

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Mini Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecakes

Okay, so first off: Christmas was only like three weeks ago?! What the what? Does anybody else feel like it’s been forever already?

Secondly. Let’s talk cards. The Hallmark kind–the ones you get for any occasion from anniversaries to Secretaries’ Day. I’m usually very good with cards. I put thought into the selection, write a heartfelt message, maybe even have a holiday-appropriate sticker on hand to seal the envelope.

But this Christmas…yeah, I didn’t get Charlie a card. Christmas cards are totally optional, I told myself. It’s not like birthdays or even something like a graduation where the card is a vehicle for the message. Besides, boys don’t care about cards!


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Strawberry Yogurt Scones

I have never won a raffle in my life.

And it’s not for lack of trying, people. I never gave up hope–every parish festival, every sports team fundraiser, I valiantly threw money into the bin for that particularly enticing basket of (often chocolatey) goodies, or donated to buy into the 50/50. All for naught! I became convinced that I was luckless, doomed to find only tails-up pennies and probably step on one too many sidewalk cracks.

That is, until I started winning blog giveaways.

…and kept winning.

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Two-Bean Turkey Chili with Sweet Potatoes

Is anybody else in a constant battle with their internal body temperature?

By that I mean, does anybody else don hoodies when it’s 85 degrees outside? Or find themselves adding layer after layer after layer in the winter months, but to no avail? I’m convinced that somehow, I’m part cold-blooded creature. I so wish Snuggies were office-appropriate.

It was a whopping 17 degrees here in New York on Tuesday. Add in the wind chill, and we were looking at temperatures juuuust above zero. (Is this how all of you Canadians feel?) So despite the fact that I needed to do laundry like nobody’s business, there was no. way. I was venturing out of my apartment again once I got home from work. All I wanted was to curl up on my couch and watch the DVRed season premiere of The Bachelor and eat something warm, cozy, and comforting.

Enter this chili. Continue reading